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Few people manage to make money from gambling; fewer still make a living from it. Written for hardened and novice sports bettors alike, Joseph Buchdahl's Fixed Odds Sports Betting examines, through various numerical techniques, how fixed odds punters may learn to beat the bookmaker, protect profits through a sensible approach to risk management, and turn high-risk gambling into a form of low-risk investment.
Fixed Odds Sports Betting investigates:
- Markets in fixed odds sports betting
- The bookmaker's overround
- Value betting
- Ratings systems for sports prediction
- Profitability and risk
- Singles versus accumulators
- Staking plans and money management
- The favourite-longshot bias
- Sports advisory services
- Betting records and their significance testing
Marketing Points:
- Adopts a numerical approach to fixed odds sports betting
- Provides an in-depth examination of betting risk and money management
- Utilises extensive data analyses and staking plan computer simulations
- Invaluable reading for statistically-literate sports bettors
- Many useful ideas for the more casual punter
- Exposes some of the long-standing myths surrounding fixed odds betting
Published by High Stakes Publishing, Copyright © Joseph Buchdahl, 224 pp., ISBN 1-84344-019 9. Joseph Buchdahl runs the website, supplying computer-ready football results and betting odds data for the development of betting systems.